Category: Uncategorized

  • Article in the Denver Post

    In July I was very happy to travel to Citta’ di Castello, Italy, to participate in the International Summer Arts Institute (thanks to generous funding from Regis University’s Faculty Development Committee). There my Liquid Sings was performed by Italian clarinetist Guido Arbonelli; I took a course in computer music with the inestimable Carlos Delgado; and…

  • The Walden School Creative Musicians Retreat

    As the school year at Regis draws to a close, I’m increasingly thinking about The Walden School Creative Musicians Retreat, where I’ll be teaching in June. Sam Pluta, Caroline Mallonee, Marshall Bessieres, Shawn Crouch, Jim Mobberley, and Wet Ink will all be in residence. There will be improvisation, composition, musicianship, choral singing, master classes, hiking…

  • Duo Montagnard Update

    Matthew Slotkin of the Duo Montagnard wrote to tell me, “We performed [Two About Two] on our recent tour in Indiana, South Dakota, Wyoming, and Montana, and the piece was very well received.” My music has now officially gone more places than me!